Profilo personale

Massimiliano R.

Attività svolte
Dates: 10 January 2010 - today
Occupation or position held: Multimedia Manager and Developer
Main activities and responsibilities: Team Leader of Multimedia team of graphicians and developers. Website and Mobile Application developer, Interface developer (Adobe CC, Bootstrap, PHP, Jscript, HTML5, MySql, MDM Zinc, Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal and other CMS)
Name and address of employer: Aviotrace Swiss SA
Via Balestra, 31, 6901 Lugano (Switzerland)
Type of business or sector: Training Academy

Dates: 2006 - today
Occupation or position held: Research and Development Area Director
Main activities and responsibilities: Sofware development for Training Courses and Technical publications management.
Websites development (ASP,PHP,Javascript,HTML,.NET, Flash AS2).
Database management and website integration (MySql,SQL).
Mobile Applications design and development.
Name and address of employer: NEOS srl
Via Carlo Cattaneo 2, 21013 Gallarate (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Aeronautical Industry, Technical Publications,Training, Multimedia Products

Dates: 1994 - 2006
Occupation or position held: Research and Development Area Director
Main activities and responsibilities: R&D team organization and management
Websites development (ASP,PHP,Javascript,HTML,.NET, Flash AS2)
Database management and website integration (MySql,SQL)
Mobile Applications design and development
Name and address of employer: MMG Design studio srl
Corso Da Vinci 48, 21013 Gallarate (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Multimedia, Electronic publishing

Dates: 1994 - 2005
Occupation or position held: Multimedia Area Director
Main activities and responsibilities: Multimedia CD-Rom Authoring
Visual Designer for tv spots.
Name and address of employer: C&I Comunicazione & Immagine
Piazza Risorgimento 11, 21013 Gallarate (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Multimedia, Electronic publishing

Dates: 2001 - 2004
Occupation or position held: Instructor and examiner
Main activities and responsibilities: Visual Design, basic and advanced techniques.
Name and address of employer: Istituto Europeo di Design
Via A. Sciesa 4, 20135 Milan (Italy)
Type of business or sector: International design training

Dates: 2002 - 2004
Occupation or position held: Instructor and examiner
Main activities and responsibilities: Web Animation (Adobe Flash), basic and advanced techniques.
Name and address of employer: Istituto Europeo di Design
Via A. Sciesa 4, 20135 Milan (Italy)
Type of business or sector: International design training

Dates: 2002 - 2004
Occupation or position held: Instructor
Main activities and responsibilities: IT training advanced course (PC hardware, OS management, Microsoft Office in-depth examination)
Name and address of employer: ASLAM
Via San Francesco, 2, 21017 Samarate (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Training

Dates: 1993 - 1994
Occupation or position held: Computer programmer
Main activities and responsibilities: Research and development (TXT Labs).
Software engineering aimed at supporting automation technology.
Name and address of employer: TXT e-solutions
Via Frigia 27, 20126 Milan (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Software Solutions

Dates: 1993 - 1994
Occupation or position held: Computer programmer
Main activities and responsibilities: Research and development.
Software engineering aimed at supporting domotics automation technology.
Name and address of employer: Logic Elettronica Srl
Via Sempione 240, 21052 Busto Arsizio (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Hardware and Software solutions

Questa persona è disponibile come Freelance

Categorie in ordine di priorita
3. 3D


Tipologia di clienti e brand seguiti:
Whirlpool, Missoni, Giochipreziosi, Bayer, Agusta Westland, Finmeccanica, RAI, Mediaset, FIAT, Zoppas, SIPA, Jeep

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