Profilo Agenzia / Azienda

Westhouse Italy Srl

Attività svolte
I am currently following specific requirements for clients in the SAP and IT domain. I am able to help my clients find the right solution at all times after a detailed discussion of the details of the position/project, skill requirements and client's expectations in terms of techncial and soft skills. My reaction time and understanding of exactly what the client needs help me fulfill my job expectations. It is rewarding when one is able to understand and help provide the right solutions to complicated situations!!!! My experience in Westhouse and the continuous trainings I undergo help me enhance my soft and technical skills to develop in my current role as Account Manager.

Categorie in ordine di priorita

Numero dipendenti:

Tipologia di clienti e brand seguiti:
Westhouse provides IT, Engineering, Finance, Retail, Pharma and Chemical solutions. We offer an entire range of technical and functional consulting services. We operate with a worldwide network of highly skilled collaborators. Our clients appreciate the targeted solutions which we propose and implement for their demanding assignments.

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registrazione Per supporto: INFO[@]LAVORICREATIVI.COM
accademia Accademia di Comunicazione dal 1988